
Observatorio de Movimientos Feministas en ALAC


#TakeBackTech, Chicago, US. 2024

Reimagining Technology from a Situated Perspective

A series of sessions exploring how to understand and transform technology through a Latin American and feminist lens. As part of the #RompamosElCodigocampaign, these videos delve into the intersection of technology, gender, and social justice, questioning and redefining how digital tools can be designed and used to promote equality and inclusion.

Violencia digital de género
Sesgos de género en la tecnología
Impácto psicológico y social de la VDG
Marco legal y respuestas a la VDG
Movimientos sociales y digitalización en ALAC
Derechos Fundamentales en el Espacio Digital
Presentation delivered at the IV International Congress “Tecnologías I+D+i para la igualdad: Soluciones, perspectivas y retos” at Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Held on April 16th, 2024.

"Women and Technology: Biases, Perspectives, and Challenges in the Digital Society"
Participation in Talk: «Conversemos sobre el proyecto de Nueva Constitución» at the Catholic University of the North, Chile. Held on September 1st, 2022.

"Digital rights in the New Constitution Proposa"
(Min 21:00)

Video-Podcast We are fine

Former advisors to the Constitutional Convention who share their reflections in a podcast days before the referendum.

Chapter 1. Digital Rights - Part 1.
Chapter 3. Right to Knowledge.
Chapter 2. Digital Rights - Part 2.
Chapter 4. Freedom of Research.