
Observatorio de Movimientos Feministas en ALAC
Estamos bien podcast


#TakeBackTech, Chicago, US. 2024

Presentation delivered at the IV International Congress “Tecnologías I+D+i para la igualdad: Soluciones, perspectivas y retos” at Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain. Held on April 16th, 2024.

"Women and Technology: Biases, Perspectives, and Challenges in the Digital Society"

Participation in Talk: «Conversemos sobre el proyecto de Nueva Constitución» at the Catholic University of the North, Chile. Held on September 1st, 2022.

"Digital rights in the New Constitution Proposa"

(Min 21:00)

Video-Podcast We are fine

Former advisors to the Constitutional Convention who share their reflections in a podcast days before the referendum.

Chapter 1. Digital Rights - Part 1.
Chapter 3. Right to Knowledge.
Chapter 2. Digital Rights - Part 2.
Chapter 4. Freedom of Research.